Safety First!
The Transportation exhibit delves into automotive safety, from basics like safety belts to advanced systems in autonomous vehicles. Divided into two parts, it offers an immersive experience and multimedia demonstrations.
The first element is a car rollover simulator, where visitors feel the importance of safety belts as the car rotates, showing the dangers of unrestrained objects. Additionally, it demonstrates the consequences of not wearing seatbelts using a life-size mannequin. The second part features a vertical touchscreen presenting safety systems like airbags and lane departure warnings. Visitors can compare scenarios with and without these systems, emphasizing their impact. Surrounding the exhibit are security barriers with an infographic timeline of safety innovations. Accessibility is ensured with both steps and ramps leading to entrances. Operation requires trained staff, with a control panel for the simulator's motor. This exhibit aims to educate and raise awareness about automotive safety through interactive experiences and informative displays.
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